Going Green with Computing


Srinivasan Raghavan

Programmer Analyst, Marymount University, 2807 N Glebe Road, Arlington VA 22207

(703) 284-3828



Donna Schaeffer

Associate Professor of Information Systems Management,

Marymount University, 2807 North Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22207

703 - 284 - 5718



Needs analysis

Who are our students?

·        Information Systems majors (undergrad and grad)

·        Computer Science majors (undergrad and grad)

·        Sustainability minors

·        Discover Seminar




How are their language abilities?

·        Reading

·        Writing

·        Communication (Debate)



What  content  and experiences do students need,  and for what purposes ?


·        Interdisciplinary

·        Transactional

·        Inquiry-based


What is the gap between what students are able to do and what they need to be able to do?


What are the perceived and present needs as well as potential and unrecognized needs?




Situation analysis


Who are the stakeholders?

·        ABET

·        ACM

·        Accrediting Bodies

·        Employers

·        Society


For example, ABET 2000 Criterion:

·        an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

·        an ability to communicate effectively

·        the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context

·        a knowledge of contemporary issues




What  societal factors relate to green computing?


·        People

·        Planet

·        Profits



What institutional factors may facilitate or hinder change and innovation at the curricular level?



We were fortunate that Marymount University selected “Sustainability” as its theme for the 2010 – 2011 academic year.



What  teacher skills are needed?




Specification of goals, objectives, and outcomes


·        general purposes of a curriculum


To foster an environmental awareness and concern for the use of natural resources in today's students, since they are the decision-makers of the future


·        more specific and concrete description of purposes/goals

The Basel Action Network (BAN) has qualified E-Stewards Recyclers that will not export your toxic electronic waste to developing countries. Find a recycler near your home or Marymount and WRITE a one page report about the recycler that includes information about where is it located, its hours of operation, the types of e-waste accepted, what happens to the e-waste and the company's values.


Specify learning outcomes

·        what students will have learned/ be able to do


From the Discover seminar:

At the conclusion of this course students will show growth in academic and personal development and level of community engagement:

1. Academic Objectives

a. Select a current problem or issue for inquiry;

b. Identify necessary background or history;

c. Develop a plan and goal for the inquiry;

d. Apply critical thinking to selection and analysis of supporting sources;

e. Demonstrate oral communication skills in presenting inquiry results.

f. Communicate accurately, clearly, and coherently through written summary of a primary or secondary source.

2. Personal Objectives

a. Demonstrate personal development in adjusting to college life;

b. Display growth in academic and personal responsibility;

c. Identify university resources supporting academic and personal needs;

d. Experience community engagement outside the classroom with faculty and peers

e. Assess career interests and skills and use the results to reflect on personal career goals.



Syllabus design and course planning

·        What is being taught?

·        When is it to be taught?

·        How is it to be taught?

At the end of the semester the class hosted an e-recycling event on campus. Students, staff, and members of the local community brought old monitors, keyboards, printers, and PCs to Lee Center. We filled a truck.





Students collected data from Marymount University employees in various offices around campus




Materials selection and development



Evaluate commercial materials to determine their appropriateness

·        Electronic texts, articles, and white papers

·        Podcasts

·        Videos


Develop in-house materials

·        Does It Matter Where Your Devices Come From?


wired cover.jpg


Course “piloting” :

·        Implement the course with ongoing evaluation

·        Fine-tune the curriculum in response to evolving student needs, teacher abilities, institutional goals and objectives, etc.


Curriculum evaluation

·        Formative and summative evaluation of the curriculum


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